# Cleaning directories generated during a previous build, # a failed previous build or even no previous build. # Track build directories through 'cleanfiles'. define _enum-parent-dirs $(if $(1),$(1) $(if $(filter / ./,$(dir $(1))),,$(call enum-parent-dirs,$(dir $(1)))),) endef define enum-parent-dirs $(call _enum-parent-dirs,$(patsubst %/,%,$(1))) endef define _reverse $(if $(1),$(call _reverse,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)))) $(firstword $(1)) endef # Returns the list of all existing output directories up to $(O) including all # intermediate levels, in depth first order so that rmdir can process them in # order. May return an empty string. # Example: if cleanfiles is "foo/a/file1 foo/b/c/d/file2" and O=foo, this will # return "foo/b/c/d foo/b/c foo/b foo/a" (assuming all exist). define cleandirs-for-rmdir $(eval _O:=$(if $(O),$(O),.))$(wildcard $(addprefix $(_O)/,$(call _reverse, $(sort $(foreach d,$(patsubst $(_O)/%,%,$(dir $(cleanfiles))), $(call enum-parent-dirs,$(d))))))) endef RMDIR := rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty # Remove files with "rm -f". # Split (possibly huge) file list into more manageable lines # (200 files at a time), to minimize the odds of having: # "/bin/bash: Argument list too long" define do-rm-f $(call _do-rm-f, $(wordlist 1, 200, $(1))) $(eval _tail := $(wordlist 201, $(words $(1)), $(1))) $(if $(_tail), $(call do-rm-f, $(_tail))) endef define _do-rm-f ${q}rm -f $1 endef |