#include "stdio_impl.h"
FILE *__fdopen(int fd, const char *mode)
FILE *f;
struct termios tio;
int plus = !!strchr(mode, '+');
/* Check for valid initial mode character */
if (!strchr("rwa", *mode)) return 0;
/* Allocate FILE+buffer or fail */
if (!(f=malloc(sizeof *f + UNGET + BUFSIZ))) return 0;
/* Zero-fill only the struct, not the buffer */
memset(f, 0, sizeof *f);
/* Impose mode restrictions */
if (!plus) f->flags = (*mode == 'r') ? F_NOWR : F_NORD;
/* Set append mode on fd if opened for append */
if (*mode == 'a') {
int flags = __syscall(SYS_fcntl, fd, F_GETFL);
__syscall(SYS_fcntl, fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_APPEND);
f->fd = fd;
f->buf = (unsigned char *)f + sizeof *f + UNGET;
f->buf_size = BUFSIZ;
/* Activate line buffered mode for terminals */
f->lbf = EOF;
if (!(f->flags & F_NOWR) && !__syscall(SYS_ioctl, fd, TCGETS, &tio))
f->lbf = '\n';
/* Initialize op ptrs. No problem if some are unneeded. */
f->read = __stdio_read;
f->write = __stdio_write;
f->seek = __stdio_seek;
f->close = __stdio_close;
if (!libc.threaded) f->lock = -1;
/* Add new FILE to open file list */
f->next = libc.ofl_head;
if (libc.ofl_head) libc.ofl_head->prev = f;
libc.ofl_head = f;
return f;
weak_alias(__fdopen, fdopen);